Drivecom label was created in 2003 as a minimal and puristic electro resource. With the past of the time, some other waves and styles such as ”Berlin school” and synthesizer music tracks were included in the label´s sonic template. All of this music were not performed in the recent Boris Divider´s A/V Live acts so we decided to give a new chance for this.In the last years and thinking about the next 20th Drivecom Anniversary in 2023, a special Live act is being designed to bring back to the audiience some of the earlier and most iconic tracks from the label. Tittles like ”People Love Machines”, ”Take My Beat” or ”Shut Down The System” will be played in a new showcase including realtime reactive audiovisuals exclusively created for this performance.If you are a promoter, curator or club programmer and you are interested, please contact with the subject ”PLM A/V Live”.